E. F. Benson - Author 1877 - 1940

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E. F. Benson
You have ridden your bicycle without due care and attention, and you are heading towards a tar barrel!

The page you are looking for is not available!

On the bicycle!

Please try one of the following:

  • You have spent an evening with Major Benjy, tried a few too many glasses of his whisky and soda, and may have typed the web address incorrectly. Please check the address and spelling, ensuring that it does not contain capital letters or spaces.
  • It is possible that the page you were looking for may have been moved, updated, deleted, or I just can't remember where I left it.
  • Assemble a monetary sum, with which to bribe the local magistrate.
  • Employ a young lad to walk in front of your bicycle waving a red flag.
  • Give your bicycle away and invest in a motor car.

Otherwise, click HERE to return to E. F. Benson's website.

If you think there is really a broken link on the E. F. Benson web-site, don't complain to the Mr Benson, have a rant at the webmaster instead.